Sunday, September 14, 2008

Future Rock Stars

Future Rock Stars
Originally uploaded by jwlohr
Joey sleeps in what used to be my bed when I was growing up. And, of course, she does the same thing I did as a kid-she uses the decorative toppers from the posts as microphones. Ian had to get in on the action as well since he has to do EVERYTHING his sister does, whether she wants him to or not. So here they are belting out that classic rock ballad, "Where's God When I'm Scared?" by the Veggietales (although Ian is committing the error that all voice teachers warn their students about--eating the mic). They are destined for greatness

1 comment:

Joel W. Lohr said...

It's time you updated this blog baby... We've added a kid and had a thousand new experiences sine you last posted to it!