Sunday, September 7, 2008

Joey's Views on Healthy Eating

Originally uploaded by jwlohr
Most mornings, Joey calls to me from her bed and I go in and lay down next to her so she can tell me what she dreamed about. Today she said she dreamed about horses and goats at a parade where they were throwing horse and goat candy. She reminded me that we eat people candy. I agreed. She then said that we shouldn't eat too much candy, though, or we will get sick. I was thrilled to hear this, thinking that she was actually listening when I doled out these little life lessons. I told her she was so right and said that we need to eat foods that are good for us, like fruits and vegetables, so that we can grow up big and strong. She said, "Yeah, we want to grow up big and strong so we can reach the candy!" (we keep our candy on top of our cabinets out of her reach). Hey, whatever works to get her to eat her veggies!

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