Sunday, September 14, 2008

Future Rock Stars

Future Rock Stars
Originally uploaded by jwlohr
Joey sleeps in what used to be my bed when I was growing up. And, of course, she does the same thing I did as a kid-she uses the decorative toppers from the posts as microphones. Ian had to get in on the action as well since he has to do EVERYTHING his sister does, whether she wants him to or not. So here they are belting out that classic rock ballad, "Where's God When I'm Scared?" by the Veggietales (although Ian is committing the error that all voice teachers warn their students about--eating the mic). They are destined for greatness

playing "comb"

playing "comb"
Originally uploaded by jwlohr
Joel and I were goofing around one day...he was laying on the couch and I came up and told him to pretend like he was in a coma and I would try to wake him up. Silly game. I woke him up by lightly tickling his face, which he hates. It was lots of fun. Joey saw us goofing around and wanted to play. She said, "Hey guys, I want to play "comb" too!" So here is Joey acting like she is in a "comb". It doesn't take much to "wake her up", let me tell you!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Joey's Views on Healthy Eating

Originally uploaded by jwlohr
Most mornings, Joey calls to me from her bed and I go in and lay down next to her so she can tell me what she dreamed about. Today she said she dreamed about horses and goats at a parade where they were throwing horse and goat candy. She reminded me that we eat people candy. I agreed. She then said that we shouldn't eat too much candy, though, or we will get sick. I was thrilled to hear this, thinking that she was actually listening when I doled out these little life lessons. I told her she was so right and said that we need to eat foods that are good for us, like fruits and vegetables, so that we can grow up big and strong. She said, "Yeah, we want to grow up big and strong so we can reach the candy!" (we keep our candy on top of our cabinets out of her reach). Hey, whatever works to get her to eat her veggies!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Originally uploaded by jwlohr
One last picture of school. She looks so relaxed with her hands in her pockets. I'm glad Joel didn't take a picture of me at this time. Not so relaxed and laid back!

First Day of School

Originally uploaded by jwlohr
More pictures of Joey going to school. The purple lamb next to her has her name on it!

Growing Up

Originally uploaded by jwlohr
OK, so Joey starting preschool was much more difficult on me than it was on her. She asked me this morning when she woke up and we were discussing going to school if I was going to stay with her in her class. I told her I couldn't but that I would come back to pick her up. She said, "Oh, I will miss you, Mommy!" I almost lost it then. I thought for sure when she got the the classroom she would cling to me crying and asking me to not leave her (she did this each session of dance class!). But when we arrived, she found a seat at a table filled with puzzles and other little girls, kissed me goodbye and that was that. No tears, no pleading, no "miss yous". I, on the other had, walked out the door of the classroom and the tears began immediately. They didn't stop when I reached the car. They didn't stop when I kissed Joel goodbye, they didn't stop when I strapped Ian in the car. When I picked her up an hour later, she ran to me and, with a huge smile on her face, yelled "My first day of school is over!". When they spotted their parents, other children began crying immediately. Joey gave her new teachers a hug and told them she would come back for the second day of school. She amazes me!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Our little climber

Originally uploaded by jwlohr
I think I need to get a spray bottle like you would use on a cat to keep Ian off the table and counters!